Thursday, February 14, 2013

Baby Update 6+ Weeks

Went to the doctor.... I went into this week thinking I'd be excited, till yesterday when I started a little spotting. But to put everyone's nerves away, everything looks fine.

I'm still happy and excited, but also a little bummed. If you remember THIS blog post I mentioned twins... I had a good feeling about this pregnancy really being twins. I was hoping to be able to tease about having another big secret and getting more 'likes' on our foundation page....

So- **news**
1) Everything looks good one the spotting issue.
2)There ARE two sacs!! 
3) BUT One looked under developed... 

So- mixed emotions again. Since it is still early, we didn't get any pictures b/c the baby isn't big enough to be called a "peanut" yet. We have another appt and u/s in two weeks. We'll be able to see the heartbeat then. Not sure whether or not to say pray for "baby/sac B". But we will be able to see it better in two weeks.

A great spiritual feeling to know and trust when I'm hearing from God, even when things don't happen for 7 years.